Presentations & Material

Success to Significance

“Run in such a way as to get the prize.” 

We must seek leadership excellence, personal growth, and focus on team building if we expect our organizations to be high performing and successful.

However, success is not the same as significance. Can you have both?

Leadership Tune-Up

As leaders we need to focus on improving three key areas: our leadership excellence, our personal growth, and our team building.  

This presentation walks through all these areas to give practical next steps on how to improve, and assumes a basic foundation of Servant Leadership training.

The Secrets of Financial Success

God has many warnings about money, but money is evil? Does God want us to be wealthy? What is our wealth for?  Why do ungodly people sometimes have it, and godly people do not?  

Learn what God thinks about the place of money and financial success in our lives, and see how four very wealthy people in the bible received and handled wealth.

Vision and Strategy

Energize your church with focus and clarity of purpose.

Building a church without a God-inspired, clear, sharable, and actionable vision and strategy is like going on a trip with only a vague idea of the destination or how you are going to get there. 

Find out how to answer two key questions: “what does God want us to accomplish?” and “what is the unique way He wants us to do it?”.  Then discover how you can create specific and measurable objectives to accelerate your progress.

Servant Leadership

God has asked you to lead, but how?

Explore the core principles of great biblical leadership and get practical steps to improve you and your team’s leadership.